October 19, 2017
SDG and 2030 Agenda
On 6 November, BIAAF will participate in the meeting on Agenda 2030 organized by UNESCO Etxea - UNESCO Center of the Basque Country.
Euskal Herriko UNESCO Sarea (EHUS) is a network of 19 public and private Basque institutions linked to UNESCO: Associated Schools of the PEAS Network, Associated Libraries, UNESCO Chairs, UNESCO Centers and Clubs, Biosphere Reserves, Geoparks, World Heritage Sites and Creative Cities Network. The entities belonging to EHUS have the desire to be a meeting point between organizations linked to UNESCO and Basque society. Likewise, they have a commitment to the Sustainable Development Objectives and Agenda 2030 that they wish to make visible on November 6 at the Zestoa Spa.
In the act of November 6 will present the Sustainable Development Objectives and EHUS members will present projects, programs and initiatives linked to the compliance of ODS.
The organization of the Day will count on the support of the Ekain Foundation, Euskal Kostaldeko Geoparkea and Albaola Elkartea, Zestoa Spa and Zestoa Town Hall.
More information: http://www.unescoetxea.org/dokumentuak/EHUS_ODS.htm