January 10, 2018

2nd stage of the 6th edition is on! - BIAAF

We are looking forward to receiving your works! Save the date! February the 17th is the last day to send your works for this stage of the competition.

1st stage of the 6th Edition is on!

Please check what we need to receive from you here.

Please take into consideration the transit time and make sure your work arrives before Friday, March 2nd.

Regarding international shipments, please find some tips here:

  •  You should attach a pro forma invoice showing a total amount of USD 20 / Eur 20 so that you avoid paying for import customs duties as well as delays in the delivery of your parcels due to customs procedures.
  • Our contact phone number is 00 34 944 029 335.

Remember the Jury will not take into consideration when evaluating your work the packaging your work arrived in. If you have any doubt please let us know by email (info@biaaf.com), we will be happy to assist you.

We wish to send you all our support in this last effort you are doing preparing your works for the competition. There are big opportunities awaiting all participants. Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any problem with the deliveries. We’ll be glad to help!

Good luck!