May 15, 2017

Bilbao Art District celebrates the Week of the Arts

From the 15th to the 21st of May, art will take the streets of Bilbao 

Bilbao Art Distric has prepared an special
program to commemorate the Week of the Arts, that will take art to every corner
of Bilbao. Until Sunday, we can enjoy artistic interventions, guided visits,
talks and performances in various locations of the city. One of the main
attractions taked place this afternoon, with the conference of british artist
Alex Duncan.

Bilbao Art District is is a public-private
initiative coordinated by Bilbao Ekintza in which the Provincial Council of
Biscay and the rest of the stakeholders of the visual arts in the city
participate. Its objective is “to be a project that is inspiring, open,
inclusive and which unlocks potential for the city as a whole, considering
Bilbao as a unique artistic district and the entire metropolis as a creative


You can find the whole program here: