May 05, 2015
1950-2050 Exploring the future of the fashion industry
Last May 5 took place at Bilbao Fine Art Museum the second forum Art & Fashion where four renowned figures from the fashion world analysed its past, present and future.
-MIREN ARZALLUZ: Fashion Historian and Curator
-KAAT DEBO: Director of the Mode Museum Antwerp
-JAN MILLER: Fashion Management and Business development Consultant at Fashion City Insider
-VALERIE STEELE: Director and Chief Curator at Museum FIT at NY
On the ocassion of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum Exhibition, the 50’s Fashion in France 1947- 1957, Bilbao International Art & Fashion has found a unique to reflect on a preiod that’s been unanimously considered the Golden Age of “Haute Couture”, not only in terms of designers’ creativity and technical vistuosity but also because of the excellence and strenght of an industry with a remarkable international vocation.
Talking the incepcion and subsequent development of the Haute Couture in France as a starting point, the II Bilbao International Art & Fashion forum reflected on the keys that led to Paris’s status as an international fashion capital, as weel as on tne emergence of cities that have consolidated themselves as unavoidable references in a global fashion industry.
Designer, institutions, social and cultural agents are main actors as well as promoters of this new contemporary phenomenon that redefines the future of fashion.