November 30, 2017

Jean-Paul Gaultier, Fashion Freak Show

Jean-Paul Gaultier announces his ’Fashion Freak Show’

The extravagant French fashion designer, Jean-Paul Gaultier will celebrate 50 years of pop culture through his eyes with a new musical, Fashion Freak Show, which will premiere in Paris next October, before making an international tour.

Gaultier, famous for his theatrical parades, will incorporate his “eccentric, scandalous and provocative” personality into a show that combines cabaret with a fashion show at the iconic Folies Bergere theater in Paris.

The show will feature everything from his childhood to his early career, including his best fashion shows for “wild nights” at Le Palace and London, and will pay homage to the artists who have inspired him including pop icons Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Mylène Farmer, film directors such as Pedro Almodóvar and Luc Besson, and the dancers Régine Chopinot and Angelin Prejlocaj.

“This show is the story of my life, things that I have experienced, seen and loved, and also stories that I had never told before!” Explains Gaultier. “I discovered the world of entertainment at the age of nine while watching a Folies Bergère magazine on television and discovered what was a fashion show through Jacques Becker’s film,” Falbalas “, in which Micheline Presle In love with a fashion designer played by Raymond Rouleau, with the Fashion Freak Show, I intend to unite these two worlds, it is very exciting to have the opportunity to organize the magazine in the Folies Bergère. ”

Via: Danielle Wightman-Stone | Fashion United
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