June 29, 2017
Sonia Delaunay. Art, design and fashion
The monographic exhibition about the artist open in Madrid next July 4th
The exhibition Sonia Delaunay, Art, design and
fashion opens next
July 4th at the Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza. This large retrospective,
which marks the first monographic exhibition about Delaunay in Spain, gathers
around 210 pieces from the Ukrainian artist.
Her paintings are displayed alongside fashion and
set designs, advertisements, fabrics and others creations that show the multidisciplinary
character of the artist. The pieces exhibited come from many different public
and private institutions, some of them as important as the Centre Pompidou,
Paris Museum of Fashion or the Museum Reina Sofia.
Delaunay studied at the Academie de la Palette in Paris. First affiliated to the fauve movement, after her marriage to the
artist Robert Delaunay she shifted to applied arts, and both started to become
interested in pure abstract art. The exhibition pays particular attention to
the brief period of time that Sonia and her family spent in Madrid after the
outbreak of the Great War.
More information at https://www.museothyssen.org/en/exposiciones/sonia-delaunay-art-design-and-fashion